Healing arts with L'aura
We all have a past, a story, and for many of us, it's been a little unpleasant. We can learn to emerge from these difficulties while creating an entirely new reality for ourselves. Ultimately shifting the whole of humanity for the better.
Throughout my three-decade healing journey, I have studied, practiced, and become certified in the following modalities while developing both the RolfYoga program and the canine de-stressing model. My work services both the Pittsburgh, PA, and Taos, NM communities.
Rolf Method of Structural Integration
Visceral Manipulation Therapy, Levels 1 &2
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Ayurvedic Consultation
RolfYoga, Developer-Teacher
Watsu, Level 1
Canine Trauma & Structural Therapy, Developer-Educator
Canine de-stressing Techniques, Developer-Teacher